The 25th Anniversary Celebration of the Discovery of the Atocha Mother Lode was a huge success!
Mel Fisher Days 2010 was bigger than it has ever been before.

The Kickoff party at Schooner Wharf packed the bar yet again.  Magic Frank helped Sean Fisher with the emcee duties and with the announcing of the bikini contest. The girls looked great! A big “THANK YOU” to Evalena and her crew for doing a fantastic job; and to Doris Arnold for making and donating the delicious cupcakes. Congratulations to the evening’s winners:

 Bikini Contest
1. Becky       2. Tara      3. Kelly

 50/50 Raffle:  David Gandy

This year we introduced our 1st Annual Mel Fisher Days Block Party with a free concert by Howard Livingston and the Mile Marker 24 Band. With the help of our friend CW Colt the two drew in record crowds and filled the street on the 200 block of Duval.  Those who attended had a blast participating in the tricycle races; dunk tank and many other carnival games that were available. 

We had Jell-O shots, upside-down margaritas, a fantastic grill set up by Centennial Bank, beer donated by Budweiser and friendly volunteers from Mel Fisher’s staff and the Rotary Club of Key West.  There were fantastic prizes in the raffle as well as the large silent auction that was held on the street. The event was so overwhelmingly successful we will do it again next year, and every year thereafter!  This event will grow and become a staple in the Key West calendar of events.

 Congratulations to:

50/50 Raffle Winner: Debbie of The Bull

“Coin Guess” winner, a dive trip to the site: Michael Pasovalie

Our Midnight Gambler Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament was again sold out and the card sharks had fun testing theirs skills for a chance to win one of four Authentic Atocha Silver coins. If you plan on playing next year be sure to sign up as soon as the first announcement goes out to guarantee your spot!

 Congrats to this year’s winners

1. Bob Webb         2. Brandon Lachapelle      3. Gary Weinzierl     4. Andrew Jackson

 50/ 50 Raffle Winner: Tom Ahbraham

This year’s Mel Fisher Days culminated with our Diver Reunion Bash where many members of Mel’s crew from past and present gathered at the Sunset Deck Bar at the Westin.  Drinks flowed along with the stories as old friends had a chance to reconnect after many years.  We now have a good list of contact information so to all those who attended make it a yearly thing to come hang with the Mel Fisher crew and talk about the latest treasure finds and the best finds of the past.  We would like to thank the Westin for donating a portion of the proceeds from that night’s event to our charity.

Congrats to this evening’s 50/50 Raffle Winner: Whitey

All proceeds from each of the Mel Fisher Days events are donated to the non- Profit Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Society.  The donation contributes to public programming including summer camps for children. This year we are happy to say that we will be donating over $6,000 to the Society.  It was Mel’s dream to be able to share his life’s ambition with the world and the Fisher family is happy to be able to continue to support his legacy.

 Mark your calendars, next year Mel Fisher Days will run from July 14- July 17, 2011.


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