Last weekend the Mel Fisher salvage vessel, "Dare" found 4 copper ingots, bringing the total to 7 copper ingots found this summer.
We are now able to read up to 4 feet into the ocean bottom to locate artifacts on the Atocha/Margarita site. The previous depth was about 15 inches, and that was only for ferrous material - iron. The new EM technology also reads gold, silver, copper and iron, a huge improvement for us.
We are now revisiting areas where treasure has been found before, reading deeper down into the sandy bottom, and locating more artifacts. We are very encouraged by these new discoveries and we expect the new technology to continue to locate treasure for us.
The newly-found copper ingots are worth about $5000 to $12000 each, but they represent much more. They were in the hull section of the Atocha, along with the silver bars and chests of silver coins. We expect much more to break water this summer as a result of our new EM detectors.
