Another First!
 July 12, 2004 -- Kristen Kunas

KEY WEST - Over the 4th of July Weekend, John Corcoran, Treasure Diver on the JB Magruder, recovered this unique Red Ware Jar fully intact within one mile of where the “MotherLode” was found.

Corcoran was metal detecting on the edge of a sand berm when he spotted just a small nub of what appeared to be a ceramic handle. He carefully fanned the sand enough to uncover first one of the handles and then the fully intact red glazed vessel.

This Red Ware Jar is glazed inside and out with several clusters of circular imprints decorating the outer bowl. So far only small pieces and shards of this red ware pottery have been recovered on the Atocha Site, so this makes John’s discovery quite a unique find. Start the video clip to watch Capt. Andy Matroci and diver John Corcoran discussing their latest recovery.
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