Silver Coin Clump Discovered!
The DARE brought up a clump of silver coins to the surface after being untouched for nearly 400 years. The clump was brought into the conservation lab yesterday and Senior Conservator John Corcoran gently separated the coins to get an official count and begin the electrolysis process. There are 47 coins in all and there was also another interesting find in the middle of that coin clump. A small piece of a silver chain was discovered amongst the coins. Although it turns out to have been completely oxidized it is always so interesting to find something unexpected. This is one of the reasons why the conservation process is done with such care and precision. Who knows, maybe there will be a GOLD chain inside the next clump of coins?! Here are some images of the coin clump. Check back for updates as the coins make their way through conservation. The DARE is heading out to the same location this week and the rest of that chest of coins and many more are waiting for them, Today's the Day!


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