Adjudication 2007
Investors started arriving over a week before the big party at the Casa Marina. They began taking daily trips out to the wreck site to go diving on the newly renovated DARE and emerald hunting on the J.B. Magruder. Check out the boat happenings page to see how successful the week truly was! Boat_Happenings2008.asp

Monday night at our Welcome reception we had an amazing turnout of investors who came early in the week to enjoy all of the festivities. The Fisher Family, staff and investors were able to visit with familiar friends and meet new ones in the courtyard of the museum. Jean Boyle, our Gift Shop Manager, put together a delicious array of appetizers while Sandy tended bar with the help of Jan and Ray. Steel drums in the background gave a fun, whimsical island feel to the party and everyone seemed to have a great time catching up and filling each other in on the past year’s happenings. As evening came to an end all left smiling knowing that this was just the first event of the week and there would be many more nights of fun to come!

Tuesday brought the annual Sunset Dinner Sail aboard the Liberty Clipper. More mingling, delicious food and tasty libations were coupled with some traditional island music to create a wonderful atmosphere for sunset. Passengers were put to work as crew and helped to hoist the sails. Somehow the boat crew convinced you all that their job was the fun part and you agreed! (Funny, that sounds similar to when you come diving on the wreck site with us!) As usual the Key West sunset lived up to its name and the gorgeous display of colors filled the sky as the sun set on another beautiful day in paradise.

Wednesday evening began with a cocktail reception open to only our investors. Mel Fisher’s Treasures staff members served hors d’oeuvres and everyone in attendance couldn’t get enough of the amazing food and desserts. The third movie in the Mel and Deo’s High Road to Danger series was shown to a sold out crowd with standing room only. The movie featured the Fisher’s move from the 1715 Fleet down to the Keys. The series gives a truly amazing look into how the Fisher family lived and at their persistence, which is admired by so many. We are all looking forward to the next film in the series; so don’t miss it next year!

Thursday was a relaxed happy hour upstairs at the Rum Barrel. Some swaggering pirates joined the party with song and entertainment to liven up the spirits. This evening gave everyone a chance to talk about their trips out to the wreck site and about all of the treasure that had been found so far.

Friday was a perfect day for a pool party. It was a hot, sunny day that lent itself perfectly to cooling off underneath the waterfall at Dante’s. The kids played games in the pool and everyone enjoyed good food and good company. Investors, the Fisher family and staff tried to figure out the final touches for their costumes for the following night and found it was much harder to dress like a cannibal than we thought it would be!

Saturday night at the beautifully renovated Casa Marina Hotel, cannibals, conquistadors and pirates descended onto the beach for the biggest party of the week. Kim Fisher greeted our guests at the entrance as they arrived while pirates and cannibals lurked around every corner. The stage was transformed into a pirate ship and the tables were dressed with island colors and beautiful centerpieces. Calypso played while guests dined on a delicious spread of food.

Throughout the evening Fisher family and staff members scouted the crowed to find the winner of the Best Costume Award. The competition was tough and came down to two finalists. Don and Penny Feeser and Sylvia VanDyke and Dave really outdid themselves and we couldn’t pick just one winner, so we had 2! Congratulations to both couples and we hope you enjoy your new Atocha Coin!

As is customary we chose the winner to the Pin the Sterncastle on the Trail competition that we have each year. The investor who chooses the location on the trail closest to the largest find of the year receives an additional quarter share contract in the Atocha/ Margarita Expedition for the following year. That’s the equivalent of an additional $20,000 investment! Though they were not there to accept the honor Wayne and Eileen Crosby were the closest to the Margarita Pearl and gold find which makes them our winner. Congratulations and now you’ll have an even bigger share in the Sterncastle find this year!

As the evening wound down at the Casa Marina everybody seemed as if they were just getting started on the night. So investors and staff headed to various spots on Duval Street still dressed as Cannibals, Conquistadors and Pirates. Needless to say it was quite the scene and had many people asking questions. Everyone had an amazing time and we can’t wait to start planning for next year’s party!

Mother’s Day brunch on Sunday made time for reflecting on the week and sharing stories before many had to head back home. The food was incredible and it was nice to be able to relax with friends one last time.

From the Fisher family, staff and crew we’d like to extend our deepest gratitude to all of our investors for sharing our dream and sense of adventure. Without you none of this would be possible and we look forward to seeing you each year during division week.

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